MediaDB / «Milky Way No. 2 2017» Stanislav Lem, Vladimir Borisov, Pavel (Pesach) Amnuel, Leonid Ashkinazi, Rafail Nudelman, Stanislav Beskaravayny, Elvira Vashkevich, Alex Schwarzman, Tanya Grinfeld, Sergei Khazanov, Elisabeth, Ilya Sukhanovsky, Ilya Belovsky: chat fb2 , read online
About the book: 2017 / Table of contents: The story of P. Amnuel "Flight of Five" 4 Story E. Vashkekich "Mishenka, Moyshe, Michael" 160 Miniature L. Ashkinazi "Metro and Sky" 172 Translations by A. Belilovsky "Not powerful years" 174A.Schwarzman "The Fall of Icarus" 178R. Nudelman "Stanislav Lem - in letters" 187 Essay S. Beskaravayny "Biotechnology of close-range sight in projection on culture" 212E. Levine “Celestial Twins at the Origins of Music in Film.” 219 Science on the Spaces of the Internet P . Amnuel “On Global Warming and Not Only” 232 Poems by S. Khazanov 244T. Greenfeld 246 Author information 251