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MediaDB / hang out with us. But what is Kolya Podvodny’s secret school crush compared to one hundred and ninety-three stations of the “orbital”? On Mars for fifty years now, apple trees have been blooming under the light of the big present and six small, man-made suns. However, young Mars, just like the old girl Earth, is divided by the borders of five different states. What kind of “beautiful distance” is this? Without a united humanity, without a great ring of intelligent worlds, without world peace? And communism has not yet been built. This is definitely not the future. Not the future at all. Could it be real? Tanechka is a young specialist. I came to work as a distribution worker in a big city. Mom, dad, brothers and sisters remained about three hundred kilometers in that direction. Is she really as strong as she thinks she is? Can I cope? Can handle it. The first outpost of humanity in deep space. The fate of countries and states. Artificial intelligence. Boiled Venus. Work, a lot of work within the specialty and beyond it. How else can you reforge the present into the future if not in a factory or laboratory? Those who believe that the time of heroes has passed are mistaken. It's just coming. It's terribly beautiful when the sun rises over the planet.
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