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MediaDB / «THE MILKY WAY #3, 2016(18)» Andrey Tanaseychuk, Leonid Shifman, Tatyana Adamenko, Pavel (Pesach) Amnuel, Leonid Ashkinazi, Kirill Berendeev, Jonathan Swift, Thomas Eliot, Mark Polykovsky, William Morrow, Artem Arinushkin, Randall Garrett, John Hey, Tanya Grinfeld, Alexey Kurilko, Uri Lifshitz, Anna Stepanskaya, Sergey Khazanov: скачать fb2, читать онлайн |||About the book: 2016 / Title: Story of P. Amnuel "Look into the hole" 4 Story T. Adamenko "Discovery of the Weeping Tom" 114 L. Shifman "Just do it!" 129 Miniature L. Ashkinazi "Educational Standard" 138K. Berendeev "Freedom or death" 140 Translation by U. Lifshitz "Operation on the brain" 144R. Garrett 'Cum grano salis' 150U. Morrow "Resurrection of Little Wang Tai" 177 Essay A. Tanaseychuk "William Morrow: author of "strange" stories" 180T. Adamenko "The True Victorian Gentleman Thackeray" 184A. Stepanskaya "Air Europe" 190A. Kurilko "A Word in Defense of the Narrator" 194 Science on the Internet P. Amnuel "On the dusty paths of distant planets..." 218 poems by M. Polykovsky Translation (D. Gay, T. Eliot, D. Swift) 228A. Arinushkin 240C. Khazanov 243T. Greenfeld 246 Information about authors 250
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